Our Story

Get to know our roots and what we envision for the future of our company.

It was always about more than produce.

Lange was founded by Tom Lange, Farrell Gay, and Phil Gumpert over 60 years ago on the idea that hard work and doing right by cus­tomers mat­tered more than any­thing else. Were we pas­sion­ate about pro­duce? Absolute­ly. But it was more about build­ing a com­mu­ni­ty of like-mind­ed peo­ple who aren’t afraid to do the work, stay true to their word, and go the extra mile to make cus­tomers happy.

That entrepreneurial spirit remains at the heart of Lange today. We’re still moving mountains for every customer while remembering our roots and keeping our focus on the future.

Why Lange

When oth­ers see blocked roads or stalled growth, we see a chance to forge a new path forward. We believe ser­vice, integri­ty, and embrac­ing the future pro­vide the best oppor­tu­ni­ties for suc­cess — for our cus­tomers and ourselves.

  1. #1

    Built on integrity and decades of trust

    For over sixty years, we’ve held ourselves accountable to our customers, staying true to our word and earning trust. The kind of trust that opens doors and creates new opportunities for our customers.

  2. #2

    Strategic thinkers who get it done

    We have the resources, flexibility, and freedom to create bespoke solutions you can’t get anywhere else. When our customers need something unconventional, we’re empowered to deliver.

  3. #3

    Impressive results with a local touch

    Our local teams know the people, places, and rhythms that make a place tick, ensuring personalized service with exceptional results and a global reach.

We Value

  • Follow-through

    We do what we say we’re going to do and act with integrity. Period.

  • Respect

    We respect business partners and associates alike. By prioritizing teamwork and an entrepreneurial spirit, we promote a positive culture and company-wide growth.

  • Adaptability

    We expect our business partners to challenge us and we’re always ready to pivot and deliver.

  • Hustle

    We roll up our sleeves and get stuff done, relentlessly delivering for our customers.

  • Dedication

    We never take the easy way out and make every decision in the best interest of our partners, teammates, and the future of our business.

  • Ambition

    We’re proud of the work we do and continually aspire to be just a little better than yesterday.

helping people

live healthier lives

See how we give back

Our team

With Lange, you always get more than expected. We move mountains for our customers, using our industry knowledge to deliver unmatched value. Every time.

A group of workers picking strawberries during midday