Lange Farms

How we grow

A worker wearing gloves harvesting red peppers.

Announcement Bar

  • Now supplying strawberries from California and Mexico
  • Catch us at GPFS Booth #B3751
  • Now supplying asparagus

Responsible partners for people and the planet.

We’re com­mit­ted to sup­ply­ing high-qual­i­ty, safe fruits and veg­eta­bles that fol­low the strictest food safe­ty and qual­i­ty stan­dards. In part­ner­ship with our grow­ers, we take every mea­sure through­out grow­ing, har­vest­ing, and dis­tri­b­u­tion to ensure the pro­duce you enjoy has been han­dled with care.

Our food safety and quality program

We grow and ship our pro­duce with the utmost care and safe­ty. Our food safe­ty and qual­i­ty pro­gram is based on decades of expe­ri­ence and close col­lab­o­ra­tion with state, fed­er­al, and inter­na­tion­al reg­u­la­to­ry agencies.

Across the world, our grow­ers adhere to cur­rent FSMA and GFSI stan­dards, as well as Good Agri­cul­tur­al Prac­tices” (GAP) guide­lines set forth by the FDA and USDA. Close­ly over­see­ing the entire farm-to-table process, we rep­re­sent grow­ers who are ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing qual­i­ty fruits and veg­eta­bles you can trust. 

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    We use independent third-party audits to ensure growers are following GAPs. The results are reviewed, and issues are corrected in a timely manner.

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    We use barcodes to track all our produce, and in the event of a recall, we can quickly alert suppliers and customers.

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    We take our commitment to protecting the earth seriously because our futures depend on it. Together with our growers, we are actively exploring ways to reduce water usage, improve packaging recyclability, and support the environment in our growing areas

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    Quality assurance

    We conduct quality assurance inspections daily to ensure all our produce meets the highest standards. From the field to our cooling and shipping partners, we monitor everywhere our produce goes. 

Supplier evaluation

To ensure our produce is picked, packed, and shipped with care, we carefully evaluate all our suppliers. They must pass our rigorous inspection and comply with our food safety and quality program and polices to work with us.

A worker loading freshly picked avocados onto a palette.

Growing with respect and integrity.

At Lange Farms, we prioritize treating people and the land right. All our growing partners have a deep respect for the Earth and proactively farm to create sustainable farming for generations to come. We work hard to support our growers and their communities by following the safety standards in every growing region.

Our growers are committed to the highest standards

  • GFSi Logo
  • Azzule logo
  • Global G.A.P. logo
  • Certified CCOF Organic
  • PAO Organics logo
  • Ecocert Group logo
  • PrimusGFS logo

Reliable, high-quality produce

Meet some of our growers

Lange Farms